Two Week Notice Generator

Two week notice letter ideas.

Resignation Letter Examples

Filling out a two weeks notice email is probably one of the most awkward messages you will have to right. It's tough to communicate to a company that you have been at for years that you no longer wish to be there anymore.

But, fret not my friends! My simple, yet effective two weeks notice template will alleviate this burden from you.


Step One: Fill out the information below.

Step Two: Select submit and a Microsoft Word Document will generate your two weeks notice letter.

Step Three: Enjoy your new job!

Departure Date

Your Name

Your Number

Alternative Email

Company Name

Manager's Name

Duration of Tenure

Should you provide a two week notice?

A two weeks notice is not required by law but it helps lessen the likelihood that a former employer will provide a negative review should you use them as a reference in the future. This doesn't mean that you should always provide advanced notice of your departure; there are a number of valid reasons why you should leave a job immediately.

Sexual harassment or any other form of abuse should constitute an immediate resignation along with appropriate legal action. Now, admittedly, providing notice of your resignation reeks of hypocrisy as an employer certainly will not give you advance notice if they decide to terminate you.

But, be that as it may, employees should provide notice, whenever possible to prevent possible backlash.

When should you deliver your resignation?

Only inform your current employer of your intent to resign if you receive a signed offer letter from the new employer. Make sure you have something in writing that indicates your start date, position, and any other benefits you are entitled to.

It's imperative that you keep your pending resignation a secret from everyone. If anyone at the current job gets wind of you quitting, you may find yourself leaving the organization a little quicker than originally anticipated.

Things to look out for in your final two weeks

Be prepared for the current job to ask you to leave as soon as you hand them your resignation letter. Some employers may feel insulted or hurt by your intention to depart.

Pay them no mind as they certainly would not have been heartbroken after firing you. You should try to save at least 2 weeks of pay so that you and your family won't endure any hardship if you are fired as soon as you put in your notice.

Your colleagues might also turn on you. Some companies behave more like street gangs than professional organizations, unfortunately.

This may mean that your actions will be viewed as a sign of disloyalty, and you may receive snide remarks from co-workers. Ignore this type of negativity. If they really cared about you, they would wish you well and exchange personal emails to network in the future.

What should you do in your final two weeks?

In your final two weeks at the job, try to close out as many outstanding projects as possible. Ensure the organization has everything they need to transition its tasks to another individual.

You'll want to leave a good impression on not only the supervisors, and owners, but co-workers as well. If you have enough time, try and reach out to vendors you've worked with and wish them well. This is also a great time to get connected with people on Linkedin, so share your profile liberally.

Take some time off, if you can

If you can swing it financially, set your start date with the new job a month or so in the future. This way you can plan a vacation or just sit at home and relax before you start your new endeavor.

A mental health break is important, especially if you are leaving a toxic environment.