If you're stuck on who to reach out to for your business or want to try and apply for a new job, let fate decide your next adventure with my random companies generator.
Click the generate button and five random companies will appear.
Pick at least three companies and follow them on LinkedIn.
If they don't have a LinkedIn, head to their contact page on their website.
Reach out with an intro message and get an interview or sales call set up.
Research each company to understand their culture, values, and current news.
Prepare a list of questions or discussion points tailored to each company.
Consider connecting with employees from these companies to gain insights.
Use this as an opportunity to expand your network and explore new industries.
Embrace the unexpected and discover new horizons in your professional journey. Each random selection is a doorway to potential opportunities, partnerships, and learning experiences. Good luck!
Posted by: Matt Irving on 12/05/2023