Policy Brief Templates

policy documents

How to make a policy brief

Writing a policy document is probably the most boring thing any human will do in their lifetime. They are generally uninteresting and about a topic you aren't particularly passionate about.

Nonetheless, people have to pay bills so it must be done. To help you through this monster of an assignment, check out these steps to take to craft a policy brief and some great policy brief templates.

  • #1 Identify the Issue

    Start by identifying a policy issue to address. The topic doesn't necessarily have to be about business operations but should impact the business in some way.

  • #2 Research

    Conduct in-depth research on your chosen issue. This could include statistics, historical context, current policies, and any relevant data that can help you understand the issue in depth.

  • #3 Define Your Audience

    Identify who your policy brief is aimed at. This could be policymakers, stakeholders, or the general public. Knowing your audience will help you tailor your content and language appropriately.

  • #4 Create an Outline

    Create an outline of your policy brief. This should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section should have a clear focus and contribute to your overall argument.

  • #5 Write the Brief

    Now you can start writing your policy brief. Be concise and clear in your writing, and use evidence from your research to back up your points. Remember to stay focused on your objective and keep your audience in mind.

To help get your creative juices flowing, check out these policy brief templates that cover a variety of industries.

Header: Organization ABC

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: The Transition towards Sustainable Energy

Approved by: CEO, Organization ABC

Policy Statement: The policy is designed to emphasize the need to transition towards renewable sources of energy to mitigate climate change.

Scope: The policy applies to all stakeholders in the energy sector, including energy companies, consumers, and regulatory bodies.

Procedure Number: 01.01.01

Procedure: Investment in research and development, installation of renewable energy infrastructure, and enacting regulations that favor renewable energy.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Federal and state government agencies, energy companies, consumers.

Directive: All energy companies are directed to ensure a minimum of 40% of their energy production is from renewable sources by 2030.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Renewable Energy - Energy from a source that is not depleted when used.

References: N/A

Header: Organization DEF

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: The Shift towards Telework

Approved by: CEO, Organization DEF

Policy Statement: The policy aims to encourage the shift towards remote work as a response to the changing landscape of work due to technological advancements and the global pandemic.

Scope: This policy applies to all companies capable of providing telework options to their employees.

Procedure Number: 01.01.02

Procedure: Implementation of technology infrastructure for remote work, training employees for remote work, creating flexible work schedules.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Companies, employees, regulatory bodies.

Directive: All companies are encouraged to provide telework options to their employees where possible.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Telework - A work arrangement in which employees do not commute to a central place of work.

References: N/A

Header: Organization GHI

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: Emphasizing Cybersecurity

Approved by: CEO, Organization GHI

Policy Statement: The policy outlines the importance of robust cybersecurity measures in the modern digital age, emphasizing the need for ongoing vigilance and proactive measures.

Scope: The policy applies to all individuals and organizations utilizing digital technologies.

Procedure Number: 01.01.03

Procedure: The establishment and enforcement of strong cybersecurity protocols, regular cybersecurity training, and the implementation of robust security infrastructure.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Individuals, corporations, and government regulatory bodies.

Directive: All corporations are directed to implement robust cybersecurity measures and provide regular training for their employees.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Cybersecurity - Measures taken to protect a computer or computer system against unauthorized access or attack.

References: N/A

Header: Organization JKL

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: Combating Climate Change

Approved by: CEO, Organization JKL

Policy Statement: The policy aims to present actionable strategies for combating climate change, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting sustainable living, and advocating for renewable energy.

Scope: This policy is applicable to all individuals, corporations, and government entities.

Procedure Number: 01.01.04

Procedure: The promotion of sustainable living practices, enforcement of regulations limiting greenhouse gas emissions, and advocacy for renewable energy sources.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Individuals, corporations, and government regulatory bodies.

Directive: All corporations are directed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30% by 2030.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Climate Change - A change in global or regional climate patterns attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.

References: N/A

Header: Organization MNO

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: The Importance of Mental Health

Approved by: CEO, Organization MNO

Policy Statement: The policy outlines the importance of acknowledging, understanding, and prioritizing mental health, with the goal of reducing stigma and providing accessible mental health services for all.

Scope: The policy applies to all individuals and organizations, with an emphasis on employers and healthcare providers.

Procedure Number: 01.01.05

Procedure: The implementation of comprehensive mental health education, provision of accessible mental health services, and promotion of a culture that values mental health.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Individuals, employers, healthcare providers, and government regulatory bodies.

Directive: All employers are directed to provide mental health resources and supports for their employees.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Mental Health - A person's condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.

References: N/A

Header: Organization PQR

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: Emphasizing the Importance of Physical Activity

Approved by: CEO, Organization PQR

Policy Statement: The policy outlines the importance of regular physical activity for maintaining physical health and wellbeing, and aims to promote more active lifestyles among the public.

Scope: The policy applies to all individuals and organizations, particularly schools, employers, and community organizations.

Procedure Number: 01.01.06

Procedure: The promotion of active lifestyles through education, the provision of opportunities for physical activity in schools and workplaces, and the development of community infrastructure supporting physical activity.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Individuals, schools, employers, community organizations, and government regulatory bodies.

Directive: All schools and workplaces are directed to provide opportunities for regular physical activity.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Physical Activity - Any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy.

References: N/A

Header: Organization STU

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: Prioritizing Digital Literacy

Approved by: CEO, Organization STU

Policy Statement: The policy outlines the importance of digital literacy in the modern age, and seeks to promote the development of digital skills among all individuals.

Scope: The policy applies to all individuals, schools, and employers.

Procedure Number: 01.01.07

Procedure: The implementation of comprehensive digital literacy education in schools, provision of digital literacy training in workplaces, and promotion of public initiatives to enhance digital literacy.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Individuals, schools, employers, and government regulatory bodies.

Directive: All schools are directed to incorporate digital literacy education into their curricula.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Digital Literacy - The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information.

References: N/A

Header: Organization VWX

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: Promoting Healthy Eating

Approved by: CEO, Organization VWX

Policy Statement: The policy seeks to promote healthy eating habits among the public, with the goal of improving overall public health and reducing the incidence of diet-related diseases.

Scope: The policy applies to all individuals, particularly schools, employers, and food service providers.

Procedure Number: 01.01.08

Procedure: The provision of nutrition education, promotion of healthy food choices in schools and workplaces, and regulation of food service providers to promote the availability of healthy options.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Individuals, schools, employers, food service providers, and government regulatory bodies.

Directive: All schools and workplaces are directed to provide healthy food options.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Healthy Eating - Consuming a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy.

References: N/A

Header: Organization YZ

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: Prioritizing Mental Health in Schools

Approved by: CEO, Organization YZ

Policy Statement: The policy seeks to prioritize the mental health of students in schools, with the goal of improving student wellbeing, reducing stigma, and enhancing academic performance.

Scope: The policy applies to all schools and educational institutions.

Procedure Number: 01.01.09

Procedure: The provision of comprehensive mental health education, promotion of a supportive school environment, and availability of mental health services for all students.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Schools, educational institutions, students, teachers, parents, and government regulatory bodies.

Directive: All schools are directed to provide mental health resources and supports for their students.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Mental Health - A person's condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.

References: N/A

Header: Organization 123

Target Audience: The Public

Date of Creation: 24th July 2023

Title: Combating Cyberbullying

Approved by: CEO, Organization 123

Policy Statement: The policy outlines the problem of cyberbullying in the digital age, and seeks to implement strategies to combat cyberbullying and support victims.

Scope: The policy applies to all individuals, particularly schools, social media platforms, and parents.

Procedure Number: 01.01.10

Procedure: The implementation of education about cyberbullying in schools, enforcement of regulations for social media platforms to combat cyberbullying, and the provision of support services for victims of cyberbullying.

Different Parties and Responsibilities: Individuals, schools, social media platforms, parents, and government regulatory bodies.

Directive: All schools and social media platforms are directed to take steps to combat cyberbullying and support victims.

Page Number: 1

Definitions: Cyberbullying - The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

References: N/A

Matt Irving is the CEO of Super Easy Tech, LLC.
Matt is the CEO of Super Easy Tech and creator of Super Easy CRM. He is a passionate software engineer, tech blogger, and gamer. Feel free to connect on any of the platforms listed below.

Posted by: Matt Irving on 7/24/2023