People want to resign whenever a job no longer meets one or more of their primary needs. Above all else, employees want to great pay, structure, and respect. Contrary to whatever that out of touch HR consultant is telling you, most people don't want company lunches, dinners, or other weird events.
The majority of people just want enough money to enjoy a decent quality of life with their families. They don't want after-hours calls, stressful meetings, or mousepads with the company's logo on them. Unfortunately, most businesses have forgotten what it means to be a human.
It is for this very reason that people leave and will often have multiple jobs throughout their lifetime. Long before we were business owners and employees, we were people who wanted nothing more than to spend time with our families and friends.
When a company becomes an obstacle the employee must overcome to get to their family, they become the enemy, and resignation letters soon follow. Here are some of the main reasons people quit and how companies can try to avoid them.
If an employee does not have clear direction on how to carry out their daily tasks, they will become increasingly frustrated with the organization. This tends to happen in businesses where the workflow and task requirements are fluid, with operational procedures changing almost weekly. People hate uncertainty especially when it causes them to make mistakes that get them reprimanded or diminish their professional reputation.
To prevent this from happening, ensure there are job aids and training videos readily available during the workday. It'll help the employees to become more confident and encourage independent thinking.
Not having the right tools for the job sets employees up for failure. To make matters worse, perfection is often expected by management of people who are ill-equipped to carry out their tasks in the first. This is not a failure for the employee, but rather the organization's owners/management.
Oftentimes, organizations opt for the less expensive tech to be more budget friendly and end up paying more in the long run as employees will flee and productivity will take a major hit. Companies need to listen to the pain points presented by employees and consult with a software specialist to find an appropriate solution.
Bullying takes place at work just as it did in high school, only this time the bullying seems to be sanctioned by those in power. Sadly in many places, bullying is not only tolerated but rewarded. Those who are the loudest and most aggressive are seen as the most caring and dedicated by upper management and owners.
This encourages others to follow suit and only makes the victims of this bullying feel worse. In the business world, you will very frequently be told to not take things personally. And in most cases, the person telling you not to take it personally is either the bully themselves or the bully's enabler.
Needless to say people will eventually grow tired of this and quit. They may even sue the company if they suffer severe psychological trauma. To prevent a mass exodus and lawsuit, companies need to listen to employees and fire managers that have been emotionally abusing employees.
Even if employers strictly forbid the discussion of salary, employees will still do it. This is akin to a judge telling a jury to disregard a damning statement the defendant just made. When a veteran employee finds out another less tenured employee makes more money than them, they will be angry.
So much so that the quality of the work they produce diminishes and start looking elsewhere for employment. To prevent this companies need to audit their payrolls and see who is overdue for a raise. Also, they need to be sure that a supervisor is paid more than the people they are supervising.
Most intelligent people would think that to be a given but as recent as a few years ago I actually experienced this first hand. The company I was working at was paying a new hire I was supervising more than me. Yes, some business owners are simply stupid.
There is nothing more annoying than being called in to work on your day off. When this happens frequently, people will become justifiably pissed. Taking away from the very small amount of time they have with their family and friends will definitely push them out the door.
Company owners and management often site "work emergencies" as the reason for after hours employee calls. However, to the employee its just an annoyance and one that probably could have been avoided with proper planning. Unless someone is performing life saving surgery or needs to save someone from a burning building, that "emergency" can wait until the next business day.
If an employee approached management asking for a different task, they are probably bored with what they are doing. The employer and management would be foolish to take offense to this. Wanting to do something different just means an employee's interests have changed and they've outgrown whatever they've been doing.
Employers can offer company-sponsored certification courses that help employees upskill. This keeps the employee engaged and makes the business better as the new skills they gain should increase productivity.
Even if companies do everything right, people will still quit. Interests changes as do careers. However, while the employee is still employed at a company, treating them with the respect and care they deserve not only increases their quality of life but improves the company's reputation tremendously.
Posted by: Matt Irving on 5/17/2022